sniffdet 0.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2003 Jan 12 - [Ademar] 0.8 release - [Ademar] Minor code cleanups and interface cosmetic changes 2003 Jan 10 - [Ademar] Fixed bug #645773 (cmdline args and conf_file options mixed) The approach I took is a little nasty IMHO (I call scan_args() twice), but it works... :-) - [Ademar] -p/--plugin was not working... fixed. - [Ademar] Renamed plugins/plugin.h to plugins/plugins.h - [Ademar] Added a new section to configuration file: plugins{}, with an option to set the filename for the xml plugin. In order to do that, I changed the plugins API to accept the config structure as one of the parameters. 2003 Jan 09 - [Ademar] Fixed bug #662856 (Segmentation fault with CIDR notation addresses), reported by Janis Putrams: sniffdet was getting sig11 when supplied with a bogus hostname target (or something it doesn't understand, like a CIDR network address). The problem was in two places: 1) the tests were returning with error without setting the info structure. 2) the tests were not returning in all errors, specially the latency_test. - [Ademar] Added sniffdet.conf-debug, with configuration options for debug purposes 2003 Jan 03 - [Ademar] Implemented parser for tcp_flags option in latency_test. - [Ademar] Code cleanups 2002 Nov 30 - [Ademar] Parallel make doesn't work for sniffdet, so removing it from RPM specfile. sniffdet 0.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2002 Nov 29 - Adding HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H test to configure (it's used to detect OS version, among other things). - Changing latency test default hw address to one which will pass the kernel stack as a multicast/broadcast address when in promiscuous mode (0xff, 0x...) - Fixing old calls for sleep() (it should be sndet_sleep()) - Moving BUGS file from sndet/src/libs to sndet/ dir and adding some bug entries there (and also cleaning TODO file) 2002 Nov 26 - log and callback improvements - New option: --silent (no output during program execution) - Added "logtype" entry to configfile (now you can direct log output to one or a combination of FILE, SYSLOG, STDERR, STDOUT - Changed config file entry: "logfile" --> "logfilename" - using config.h for some variables now (still needs improvements) 2002 Nov 25 - manpage changes (cleanups, cosmetic) - DEBUG disabled by default (configure) - Minor cleanups 2002 Nov 22 - Fix for a nasty bug in config_file module... I was using get_int handler for a short int variable... BOOM! (no segfault, just variables getting lost) - Some code/documentation cleanup 2002 Oct 31 - Code documentation (comments) in application (mainly config_file.c) - TODO file improvement - Minor fixes (typos, etc) 2002 Oct 29 - Config file parser is now fully integraded with application (well... almost) :-) 2002 Oct 28 - XML output plugin major rework - Config file parser major improvements 2002 Oct 25 - Config file parser major improvements - Manpages filled (sniffdet.1, libsniffdet.3, sniffdet.conf.5) 2002 Oct 07 - setting SYN flag to tcp packet in latency test - configure should not fail if libdl is not found (FreeBSD doesn't have it as a library, but it works) - threads: s/SA_ONESHOT/SA_RESETHAND/ 2002 Oct 02 - config file reading cleanup (still incomplete) - configure now detects pthread on BSD systems (borrowed from xmms) - fix app Makefile to recompile sniffdet if the lib changed 2002 Sep 27 - latency test and ping() are now working fine :-) - minor bugfixes/cleanups 2002 Sep 09 - minor fixes/typos 2002 Aug 19 - config file reading work started 2002 Aug 09 - output plugin preliminary support - minor bugfixes/enhancements 2002 Aug 02 - test various hosts (loop, output, target list file, etc) - Build minor improvements (tags handling by Makefiles) 2002 Aug 01 - little cleanup, read hostnames file partially implemented 2002 Jul 15 - little build improvement (debug extra CFLAGS) 2002 Jul 04 - bug #574668 (dns packet is being trusted) The function now checks the pkt_len and returns false (0) if the packet is bigger than its real size - bug #574676 (PCAP_FILTER_BUFF_SIZE redefinitions) PCAP_FILTER_BUFF_SIZE is ok, there are other variables though. - Compilation fixes 2002 Jun 27 - make install and specfile are now functional 2002 Jun 24 - MAJOR changes in project structure. Use cvs checkout to retrieve new files and new directories. Basically, we now organize the lib in function of the application. Lot's of changes. I REPEAT: a LOT of changes... :) - specfile created (specfile is the file used to generate rpm packages) - manpages are not generated by configure anymore 2002 Jun 21 - Config file example and its respective initial manpage (DRAFTS) 2002 Jun 18 - New manpages: sniffdet.1 and libsniffdet.3 2002 Jun 14 - Project is now registered in 2002 Jun 07 - Fixed ping routines - Major API changes - Latency test fixed - Application enhancements - General cleanup - Documentation addons 2002 Jun 06 - Minor cleanups - Created ping.c for ping subroutines - Major bugfixes in sndet_ping_host - Minor fixes in buildsystem (libnet defines, depend target) 2002 Jun 05 - sniffdet.h cleanup, comments - DNS test implemented and tested (initially) - ping subroutines coded - Latency test is now threaded - Minor changes in API and in helper functions - Minor bugfixes 2002 Jun 04 - Never close_link_interface() in a test. It must be done only in init.finish_device() 2002 Jun 03 - ARP test coded and tested 2002 May 28 - helper functions to build icmp ping packets 2002 May 27 - Cleanups, callback typedef, cosmetic changes 2002 May 26 - libsniffdet.a is now being build - App code - Dump from network traffic of sniffer tools added to external module 2002 May 23 - implemented time interval between calls to libnet_write_link_layer() - now setting pcap features before calling receiver thread in order to catch errors before launching it and to maximize the tread time doing it's real function - building an ICMP ECHO REQUEST packet using the same values as in a real ping application - Application code added 2002 May 22 - icmp_test improvements, tests, bugfixes 2002 May 21 - test.c improvements - pcap_next() error handling in ping_time() 2002 May 20 - Lot's of changes (bugfixes, comments, cleanups, tests, etc) - icmp_test is now working (basic tests) - latency_test() implemented, but the ping_time() is not good... It must work in parallel with the injection system. 2002 May 20 - Cleanups, comments, little improvements... - Basic implementation of latency.flood_pkt() test (not tested) 2002 May 19 - API and DETECTION_METHODS improvements (very little) - Lot's of improvements in test.c (it's becoming our real final application) - helpers.ping_time() improvements (current time inside payload now) 2002 May 17 - helpers.ping_time() fixes. It's working now, but still needs dupplication/misses better detection 2002 May 15-16 - Finished sender_thread in icmptest (still lacking to test it) - configure script addons - Code cleanup, assertions, comments - Added init.finish_device() - Added test.drop_root() - helpers.ping_time() fixes, but it's still bogus 2002 May 14 - Minor bugfixes in helpers.c - Added code to initialize a raw socket in init_device - helpers.ping_time() coded, but it's bogus We need to handle lost and duplicate packets 2002 May 09 - Minor cleanups, some discussion - Initial documentation files 2002 May 07-08 - expanded some pseudo-code at icmp_test and bug fixes 2002 May 06 - started icmptest() (mainly pseudo code) - finally got the courage (and time) to use cvs commit :-) - Added error msg return to helpers.sndet_gen_tcp_pkt() - Coded helpers.sndet_resolve() 2002 May 03 - fixed memory leak in helpers.sndet_get_iface_mac_addr() 2002 May 02 - major changes in buildsystem --> now using autoconf 2.53 2002 May 01 - init_device() fixes/changes - added some helper functions: sndet_get_iface_ip_addr() sndet_get_iface_mac_addr() - many autoconf improvements - test cosmetic improvements: getopt, show_{version, help, etc} 2002 April 30 - using autoconf now :) 2002 April 29 - Added copyright notice to all files - init_device() implementation - General cleanup - helper module addons: sndet_gen_tcp_pkt() sndet_random() sndet_icmp_ping_time() - struct custom_info{} (re)coded. - Added initial manpage (almost empty) 2002 March 28 - April 24 - Initial project structure - Modules prototypes - API definitions - first CVS import # EOF # vim: set et tw=76: